Zhiguo, Wang (王治国)
Associate Professor
College of Mathematics
Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan
Province, P.R.China
Our paper "Efficient Global Algorithms for Transmit Beamforming Design in ISAC Systems, " jointly with Jiageng Wu, Ya-Feng Liu and Fan Liu has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Our paper "An accelerated stochastic ADMM for nonconvex and nonsmooth finite-sum optimization," jointly with Yuxuan Zeng, Jianchao Bai and Xiaojing Shen
has been accepted for publication in Automatica.
Summary of my research
My main research interests are nonlinear optimization and its applications to target tracking, signal processing and machine learning.
I am particularly interested in characterizing the computational complexity of and designing efficient algorithms for optimization problems arising from these applications.
My current research interests are Federated learning, Semi-supervised learning, Optimal transport, Geometric deep learning, Cryo-EM and various optimization problems from target tracking and big data applications.
Office: Rm 417, Tianyuan Building
Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics
Sichuan University
Email: wangzhiguo at scu dot edu dot cn