Zhiguo, Wang (王治国)

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Associate Professor
College of Mathematics
Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan
Province, P.R.China


  • Our paper "Efficient Global Algorithms for Transmit Beamforming Design in ISAC Systems, " jointly with Jiageng Wu, Ya-Feng Liu and Fan Liu has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

  • Our paper "An accelerated stochastic ADMM for nonconvex and nonsmooth finite-sum optimization," jointly with Yuxuan Zeng, Jianchao Bai and Xiaojing Shen has been accepted for publication in Automatica.

Summary of my research

  • My main research interests are nonlinear optimization and its applications to target tracking, signal processing and machine learning. I am particularly interested in characterizing the computational complexity of and designing efficient algorithms for optimization problems arising from these applications.

  • My current research interests are Federated learning, Semi-supervised learning, Optimal transport, Geometric deep learning, Cryo-EM and various optimization problems from target tracking and big data applications.


  • I am looking for self-motivated students with solid mathematical background who are interested in pursuing Master's degrees. Please send me an email (with a copy of your resume) for details.


  • Office: Rm 417, Tianyuan Building

  • Mailing address:

    Department of Mathematics

    Sichuan University

  • Email: wangzhiguo at scu dot edu dot cn